Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) collaboratively authored by current and former members.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
CROWDSOURCE: ADVICE FOR NEW STATE COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Returning and outgoing members, what do you wish you knew when you joined? New members: What information would you like? Please leave comments and replies.
Q: What are common acronyms?
- A: CD=Congressional District; DSAAP=(National Convention) Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plan; DNC=Democratic National Committee; LD=Legislative District; LPO=Local Party Organization; PCO=Precinct Committee Officer; PDC=(Washington State) Public Disclosure Commission; SCM=State Committee Member; SOCAS=Separation Of Church And State [Caucus]; WSDCC=Washington State Democratic Central Committee; WSDCO=Washington State Democratic Chairs Organization; WSFDW=Washington State Federation of Democratic Women; YD/YD(s)=Young Democrat(s); YDWA=Young Democrats of Washington
Q: Who are my peers?
- A: Each of 49 legislative district Democratic organizations and each of 39 county Democratic party organizations elects two representatives for a total of 176 (49x2+39x2.) A list of local party State Committee members (and Chairs and Vice Chairs) is at:
Q: What activities can I expect through the two-year term?
- A: The State Central Committee meets approximately quarterly. Quarterly meetings include trainings, committee meetings, caucus meetings, and a general session with officer reports, DNC rep. reports, and business including resolutions. The first quarterly meeting is a re-organization and election of officers in Jan/Feb of odd-numbered years. In the past, this meeting has been in Olympia and offers a chance to meet with elected officials. In 2021, this meeting will be virtual. In June of even-numbered years, there is a State Convention where the party platform is approved. The final meeting of the term is usually in September of even numbered years.
Q: When will the WSDCC meet and how does this align with elections?
- A: Based on past years a possible schedule might be:
- Jan 27-28, 2023: WSDCC Re-Organization meeting in Olympia
- Apr 2023: WSDCC meeting
- May 2023: Candidate Filing Week
- Jul 2023: Primary election ballots mailed
- Aug 2023: Primary election ballots due
- Sep 2023: WSDCC meeting
- Oct 2023: General election ballots mailed
- Nov 2023: General election ballots due
- Jan 2024: WSDCC meeting
- May 2024: Candidate Filing Week
- Jun 2024: WA State Democrats Convention
- Jul 2024: Primary election ballots mailed
- Aug 2024: Primary election ballots due
- Jul or Aug 2024: Democratic National Convention
- Sep 2024: WSDCC meeting
- Oct 2024: General election ballots mailed
- Nov 2024: General election ballots due
- Dec 2024 and Jan 2023: Local party re-organization meetings
- Jan 2025: WSDCC Re-organization meeting
Q: What are the standing committees?
- A: In 2020, the six standing committees in alphabetical order were: (1) Advocacy; (2) Affirmative Action; (3) Elections; (4) Finance; (5) Resolutions; and (6) Rules and Bylaws. WSDCC members are usually appointed by the WSDCC Chair to one standing committee. Committee duties are in II.E. of the Bylaws linked from:
Q: What are the caucuses?
- A: WSDCC members have formed caucuses. Each caucus has its own rules for membership, meetings, and other operations. A list of 15 caucuses as of Jan 2023 is at:
Q: Who elects State Committee Members?
- A: In even-numbered years, Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) file for election in May. If there is a contested race for PCO, this will be on the primary ballot in August. PCOs take office at the end of November. In December and January, each (county or LD) local party organization holds a “re-organization” where the PCOs elect officers including a Chair, (1st) Vice Chair, and two State Committee Members. Some local party organizations elect other officer positions such as multiple Vice Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer, such as At-Large, Communications, Elections, Events, Fundraising, Membership, Recruitment, and more. Some local party organizations also allow for other non-PCO members to vote on other positions.
Q: What do State Committee members vote on and who votes?
- A: Charter and Bylaws Amendments - State Committee members elected from the 88 local party organizations (LPOs) can consider and vote on proposed Charter and Bylaws amendments. These documents are at:
- A: Resolutions and other business - State Committee members vote on Resolutions and other potential business of the WSDCC.
- A: Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plan - Plan for how Washington state will select its delegates to the Democratic national convention. These delegates select the Presidential nominee and vote on the national party platform.
- A: Executive Committee Reps - At the first WSDCC meeting of odd-numbered years, usually late January or early February, WSDCC members gather by Congressional district and elect a representative to the Executive Committee.
- A: WA Dems Officers - At the first WSDCC meeting of odd-numbered years, 176 newly elected State Committee members from counties and LDs (LPOs) elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer for the state party.
- A: WA DNC Reps - In Presidential election years, State Committee members from LPOs elect representatives to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to serve four-year terms. In recent past years, this election is held at a WSDCC meeting in the first half of Presidential election years with newly elected DNC Reps. taking office at the conclusion of the summer Democratic National Convention.
- A: Democratic National Convention At-Large Delegates - For 2012, 2016, and 2020, the 98 WSDCC members elected from state legislative district (LD) organizations elected at-large delegates to the National Convention. Only the WSDCC members from LDs participated because the DNC rules required the voting body to be proportional to population.
- A: At-Large Presidential Electors - For 2020, the 98 WSDCC members from LD organizations elected two at-large Presidential electors. For 2016, the At-large Presidential Electors were elected at the State Democratic Convention.
Q: How does the WA State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC) relate to the Democratic National Committee (DNC)?
- A: Just as the 88 local party organizations (LPOs) in WA State elect representatives to the WSDCC, each state Democratic party central committee elects representatives to the DNC. The WSDCC Chair and Vice-Chair along with four DNC representatives are elected by the WSDCC.
Q: How do I submit a Resolution for the WSDCC to consider?
- A: Regular resolutions may be submitted by a LD Democrats, County Democrats, WSDCC Committee (standing or ad-hoc), recognized WSDCC Caucus, or the Washington State Democratic Convention seven (7) business days prior to a WSDCC meeting. Urgent resolutions may be submitted any of the above along with a one-page statement of urgency; or with signatures of fifty (50) WSDCC members. Details are in:
Q: How do I suggest an addition or edit?
- A: There is a discussion of this FAQ on Facebook: (You will need a account)
- A: Propose changes via GitHub: (You will need a free account)
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Latest Version and Document History
Latest public version at:
- Document history with links to each edit at:
- Example edit:
- This document was started on December 12th, 2020 by WSDCC Secretary, Rob Dolin, as a post on a Facebook group:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.